انجمن علمی اپتومتری ایران

خانم دکتر حمیده صباغی(Software and Hardware for Vision Therapy)

خانم دکتر حمیده صباغی(Software and Hardware for Vision Therapy)

Software and Hardware for Vision Therapy


Department of Optometry, School of Rehabilitation, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Vision therapy is highly recommended to be applied based on new technology in order to be more attractive and compliant. In this regard, several computer- based systems for strabismus and amblyopia therapy are proposed. For instance, in the case of amblyopia or `lazy-eye' syndrome, the therapy is typically conducted in two ways: by wearing a patch over the non-amblyopic eye for several hours per day or blurring the vision in the good eye with penalizing drops or with extra power in the glasses. Additionally, more compliance of parents and children has been reported by other studies. The disadvantage of this types of therapy is the lack of binocular vision. The proposed approach retains binocular vision. Parameters corresponded to strabismus can be measured much faster using the described system. Another advantage is that therapy may take place at user's home, without time-consuming visits to the clinic. Furthermore, other software is developed to improve the patients eye movements as well as visual skills. 

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